The earliest humanlike creatures known as the "hominids" lived in Africa as long as three to four million years ago. They are called the AUSTRALOPITHECINES, or what we called the "southern apes" through their discover, they flourished in eastern and southern africa. They were the first hominids to make simple stone tools. The Oldest known tool which is a knife blade that is probably 2.6 million years old was also found in Africa.
A skull of an australopithecine |
Stone tools used by early man |
A second stage in early human development occurred with the next appearance of the HOMO ERECTUS or what we also called the "upright human being", a new species that emerged around 1.5 million years ago. The Homo Erectus Specie is made use of larger and more varied tools. These hominids were the first to leave Africa and move into both to Europe and Asia. They were able to do so in part because they learned to use fire to keep warm in colder areas.
The Homo Erectus compared to modern man |
Their activities |
Homo Erectus Skull as shown in different angles | | |
At around 250,000 years ago, a third and crucial stage in human development began with the emergence of a new species is the HOMO SAPIENS also known as the "wise human being". They lived by 100,000 B.C. Homo Sapiens had developed into two groups. The first type was called the NEANDERTHALS (nee-an-der-thalls), who were first found specifically in the Neander Valley in Germany. Their remains have been dated between 100,000 and 30,000 B.C. and have been found in Europe and the Middle East. Neanderthals relied on a variety of stone tools and seem to be the first early people to bury their dead indicates a belief in afterlife. Neanderthals in Europe made clothes from the skins of animals that they had killed for food.
Homo Sapiens - hunting for food |
Skull of a Homo Sapien(side view and front view) | | | |
An artistic Homo Sapien |
The Neanderthals-their way of Burrying their dead |
Remain of a Neanderthal |
The First anatomically modern humans-the modern people which is us, is known as HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS as they called the "wise,wise human being", appeared in africa between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago. There are recent evidence that indicates that they began to spread outside Africa around 100,000 years ago. By 30,000 B.C., they had replaced the Neanderthals, who had largely died out, possibly as a result of conflict with the new specie the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
The movement of the first modern human beings was rarely deliberate. Groups of people, are probably in search of food, moved beyond their hunting grounds at a possible rate of only two to three miles per generation. However, to populate the world over tens and thousands of years. By 10,000 B.C. members of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens subspecies of the species Homo Sapiens could be found throughout the world.
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